Trade professionals are often under-appreciated until there’s an emergency. We’re talking about the people who keep the lights on, water running, and heat and cool air flowing. As such, a career in any of the trade professions is very rewarding; but it’s not easy! There are early mornings, late nights, physical labor, and delayed gratification (especially as you are growing in your skillset). It is our wish to help keep the pipeline of qualified and quality professionals flowing by removing at least one of the barriers that prevents individuals from pursuing their career in trade: finance.

American Dreamers Renovations is proud to offer scholarships to those fearless, hard-workers who want to pursue their passion no less. Books can be expensive, tools are expensive, gas is expensive!

We offer scholarships, in varying amounts, all year round, so if you are ready to jump over the hurdles that can be a challenge, but not a setback, please email us:

In the SUBJECT line, please write, “Scholarship Request”

Terms and conditions:


(1) must be enrolled in a technical or business program,

(2) provide proof of enrollment,

(3) have 2 references from a teacher or boss,

(4) state the amount you are asking for and why

(5) share a one-page essay why you want to pursue a career in trade and what you intend to bring to the industry